I have a problem. Aku tak suka perempuan baik. Tak tau kenapa tapi bila aku kenal seorang perempuan, walaupun aku suka dia, kalau dia terlalu baik , aku akan rasa nak avoid dia. Rasa awkward. Maybe because I've always considered myself to be an asshole. Aku rasa tak layak untuk dia. Maybe mungkin aku tak nak dia kenal aku yang sebenarnya. Takut dia akan lari once dia dah nampak warna sebenar aku. So aku mcm berharap dapat kenal perempuan yang as fucked up as i am so that lebih senang nak open up to her. Sebab tu aku prefer somebody yang dah kenal kau, dah faham perangai kau and menerima kau seadanya. Malas nak impress orang only to put false illusion of you on them. Bila tak sesuai dengan expectation yang ada dalam kepala dorg, dorg akan cakap kita dah berubah. Padahal kau baru nak unfold. Never ever put somebody on a pedestal. Its unfair to them to be compared to the image you created in your mind. Just let them be themselves. Just let them be the assholes they are meant to be. Lol.
my existence
Rabu, 25 Juni 2014
Minggu, 22 Juni 2014
I'm back
Suddenly decided to blog again. Sebab aku rasa aku ada banyak benda nak luahkan tapi tak tau nak luahkan ke mana. I've been talking to myself for quite some times now. Friends are running thin and i feel I'm on my own now. Well tak nak la menyusahkan dorg dgn my rants on life and all. Nak post kat twitter tapi takut kena judge pula dengan orang so i feel this is the safest place. Bukannya aku ada orang nak stalk search nama aku kat Google ke apa so yeah it's the safest place. Tapi apasal nak kena blog asal tak buat journal je ke apa? So that aku rasa kalau somehow ada orang come across this blog by accident and dorg boleh relate to my post I'd be very happy to share with them. Baru download app blogger dekat phone so boleh blog on the go so i think it's a plus.
Minggu, 11 September 2011
the panic, the vomit. the panic, the vomit.
frankly, i am terrified of the things you could possibly do to me.